Watch this sweet stray piggy go from homeless animal to prince charming.
Author: Animalkind, USA TODAY
This pig is the cutest thing you’ll see today
Whether he’s relaxing in the kiddie pool or giving back to the community, Hank the pig is a local celebrity in this town.
Dog changing world one poop sample at a time
This retriever has an incredibly important job and it revolves entirely around poop.
Baby orangutan goes from wire cage to swinging in trees
Budi the orangutan was close to death when he was rescued. But now he is swinging from trees and living his best orangutan life.
Puppies work together to scale baby gate
You can always count on your best friend to give you that boost you need.
Vacuum can’t wake sleepy dog
When your mom wants you to clean but beauty won’t rest itself
Car-surfing raccoon scares driver
That feeling when you think you hit a raccoon but then realize it’s alive, very very much alive.
Rowdy raccoons skinny dip in neighbor’s pool
A neighbor woke up to screeching coming from his backyard pool. To his surprise, a group of raccoons were having a late night pool party.
Driver takes hitchhiking frog miles to a safe new home
“Don’t do it Mr. Frog…. there’s a school bus coming!” We don’t know what’s more dramatic, the frog on the window, or the driver’s commentary.
Rescuers race in after swan’s crash landing
Not only was this swan found stuck 50 feet up in a tree, but it was dark, windy, and next to three live power cables.