New research shows Earth’s atmosphere extends almost 400,000 miles into space, surpassing the orbit of the moon.
Author: Buzz60, Buzz60
Tiny T. Rex relative dubbed the ‘Harbinger of Doom’ discovered in Utah
Scientists have discovered a mini ancestor of the of T. rex in modern day Utah.
Giant rainforest lizard found wandering London park
Park-goers found more than they expected, coming across a giant lizard whilst on a walk through a London park. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Why do zebras have stripes? Scientists dress up horses to find out
New research shows why you might want to dress like a zebra if you’re around biting flies. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.
‘Hattie the Fattie’ shed nearly half her doggie body weight
This hefty-hound in the UK is looking to shed nearly half her body weight after she was re-homed. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Rare one-in-30 million golden lobster caught
This rare crustacean probably won’t be making it into a pot of boiling water. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Taxi ride comes with a fireplace, sheepskin rug and slippers
The Baxi Taxi chauffeurs folks around London for free and it is not a ride they will soon forget!
Creepy trees in Australia ‘bleed’ when they’re cut open
When bloodwood trees are damaged or shed bark, red sap called “kino” eerily oozes out like blood.
Your mom is hanging onto 1,300 keepsakes from your childhood
The average parent keeps nearly 1,300 keepsakes, according to a new Canon U.S.A. study.
Australia to roll out emojis on license plates
Let your license plate do the talking for you. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.