The remarks underscore the delicate politics that Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue must navigate to turn out their base in Georgia.
Author: Joey Garrison, USA TODAY
‘It has to stop’: Georgia official calls on Trump to ‘stop inspiring’ death threats over election
A 20-year-old contractor for the voting machine company Dominion has received death threats, according to Georgia election officials.
‘Compromised position’: Dr. Anthony Fauci on why he thinks he hasn’t heard from Joe Biden’s team
Dr. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, hasn’t spoken to Biden as the U.S. battles a significant spike in the coronavirus pandemic.
Donald Trump keeps baselessly claiming voter fraud in cities. But suburbs actually lost him the election
Donald Trump has accused Philadelphia and Detroit of stealing the election from him. He actually picked up support in both.
Democrats led early voting after Trump’s attacks on mail-in ballots. Now Trump needs to dominate Election Day
President Donald Trump will have to rely on strong in-person Election Day turnout among Republicans to defeat Democratic challenger Joe Biden.
Mics will be cut for portions of final presidential debate after commission adopts new rules
The Commission on Presidential Debates announced the rule changes Monday, three weeks after a chaotic opening faceoff between the two presidential contenders that featured frequent interruptions.
Who’s undecided? Donald Trump’s toughest hurdle to pull off a win: Most minds are made up
Few Americans say they are undecided about who they will vote for this election, posing a problem for Presidential Donald Trump as early turnout soars.
Plexiglass or no? Pence team says he doesn’t need it on his side of the debate stage
The vice president’s chief of staff said the plexiglass isn’t needed given other safety updates, including keeping the candidates 12 feet apart.
‘Staggering numbers’: Early voting is breaking records in 2020, fueled by a big mail-ballot lead for Democrats
More than 4 million people have already voted early in the presidential election. Democrats have taken a commanding lead in returning mail ballots.
Vote by mail? Democratic group warns Trump may use it to prematurely declare victory even if he’s losing
Democrats are trouncing Republicans in absentee voting requests. But that means Donald Trump could lead in Election Day votes that are reported first.