If you think you deserve a job promotion, don’t waste time waiting to get noticed. Step up and start the conversation yourself.
Author: Johnny C. Taylor Jr., Special to USA TODAY
How can I get my company to let me work from home? Ask HR
If you believe your work can be done virtually but your company doesn’t allow it, ask your HR department.
What can I do if my boss is a bully? Ask HR
There is no single definition of workplace bullying. It means different things to different people.
Can worker get written up for changing TV to Fox News? Free-speech rights differ in office
Free-speech rights are guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, but the Constitution doesn’t apply to private employment.
How can I help my company increase workplace diversity? Ask HR
Workplaces with diverse and inclusive cultures are better places to work, and they perform better. Employees can and should play a role in that commitment.
Can employer require you to come into work in inclement weather like Winter Storm Harper?
Here are answers to some common questions about how workplaces handle – or should handle – inclement weather.
Ask HR: Do I need to attend the office holiday party? Should I give my boss a gift?
While holidays bring cheer, they also can create confusion about how to handle parties, time off, gifts and other holiday-related issues at work.
Ask HR: How do today’s workplaces need to change to meet the future?
No matter what job you do or where you work, you are experiencing a changing workplace. What does this mean for workers and the companies that employ them?
Ask HR: What should I write when a job application asks for a salary preference?
Putting “salary negotiable” on your application doesn’t necessarily put you at a disadvantage unless you appear overqualified for the position.