
Top Democrat accuses White House of ‘gag order’ on Bannon

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee is accusing President Donald Trump’s White House of placing a “gag order” on former chief strategist Steve Bannon, barring him from answering many questions as part of the panel’s investigation into Russian election interference. (Jan. 16)


Tillerson: Nuclear North Korea threat growing

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the U.S. seeks a diplomatic resolution in the nuclear standoff with North Korea, but he’s declining to comment on whether the White House is considering limited military action against Pyongyang. (Jan. 16)


Booker to Nielsen: Your silence is complicity

Sen. Cory Booker is criticizing the Homeland Security secretary for saying she can’t recall President Trump using vulgarity to describe African countries. And Sen. Lindsey Graham blames Trump’s staff for the president’s about-face on immigration. (Jan. 16)